Monday, March 12, 2012

weekend in a nutshell...

Oh, weekends you are so wonderful.
Thanks for comin' around.
I wouldn't mind if you stuck around a little longer.
just sayin'.

late night, spur of the moment Hannah bleached my hair

I got to go to a Bar J show with my 90 year old pal!

They are singing the same songs and telling the same jokes and yet still hilarious.

Damitu had her 15th Birthday!! Woooohoooo
Sure do love ya.

Watched Soul surfer.

Spent a lot of time on skype talking to friends and my Ethiopian family!

The men folk shot some guns and I shot them.

Gutama is such a cute kid.

I just love being these kiddos aunt!!


  1. Oh my! The late night hair dye has happened oh so often in my life. Sounds like a fun weekend

    1. Thats exactly how ALL of mine happen too!! Blue, pink, Shaved haha
