Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{Wardrobe} Wednesday: St Patrick's Day!

I feel like my blog has lost meaning now that all I post is pictures of me. 
real post coming soon people... in the meantime, enjoy (eh, endure) more pictures of me!

St. Patrick's Day!
Green happens to be my favorite color.
I had planned to wear green head to toe but then I had a bridal shower to go to.
and my options went down a little. didn't want to look too crazy.
then I found out it was a tea party bridal shower.
then options dropped dramatically.
but I eventually settled.
I kinda felt like I looked liked a granny detective or something... in a good way?

Happy Wednesday and official spring day yesterday!
let the warm weather start to rock and roll!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

{Wardrobe} Wednesday: Spring!!

Holy Moly this past weekend, super warm.
Like wear sequences, teal, and actually have to shave your legs warm. 
so that's what I did.

Clearly, warm weather brings out the best in me!

Monday, March 12, 2012

weekend in a nutshell...

Oh, weekends you are so wonderful.
Thanks for comin' around.
I wouldn't mind if you stuck around a little longer.
just sayin'.

late night, spur of the moment Hannah bleached my hair

I got to go to a Bar J show with my 90 year old pal!

They are singing the same songs and telling the same jokes and yet still hilarious.

Damitu had her 15th Birthday!! Woooohoooo
Sure do love ya.

Watched Soul surfer.

Spent a lot of time on skype talking to friends and my Ethiopian family!

The men folk shot some guns and I shot them.

Gutama is such a cute kid.

I just love being these kiddos aunt!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Since we're on the subject....

Last night I dreamt I started my period. Like an arterial wound, I bled and bled and bled, panicked, with handfuls of soaked tissues and towels and ruined clothes.

Male readers, don't you wuss out here!

When I awoke from this dream, in the blurry moments before the numbness of sleep wore off, I thought I could hear my uterus telling my brain that it should probably tell my hands to get some Ibuprofen down my throat now, because things were about to get hairy.

And then, I suffered through three hours of the most horrible, the most painful, the most agonizing cramps of my entire life.

But honestly. Who wants to hear about this? Not me. And anyway, what sort of self respecting female discusses with such openness the state of her reproductive system like this? Certainly not a lady. Should I be trying to be more like a lady?

Well, I did the math. In my life I have had approximately 70 periods. How's that for an overshare? Anyway,  I thought to myself, I really thought to myself, that this was it. That I was dying. That I was dying there on the spot because my period was going to kill me.

And I thought to myself, People Must Know About This!

My thoughts kept relaying through the body parts involved, asking questions, like any scientist would.

Brain: Lumbar! What is this sensation you are reporting?
Back: Owwwwwwwww!

Brain: Legs! What is this sensation you are reporting?
Calves: Owwwwwwwwwwww!

Brain: Female System! What gives here, man?
Uterus: DEATH!!!!

And then suddenly my entire gut was trying to exit out and I was all Woah-woah-woah! Can't we talk this over first?

I know, I know, who has any self respect any more after reading this? I drop words in here like "uterus" and "blood" and "period" like I'm talking about early American Presidents or something, never paying mind to the fact that my father reads this garbage! And your father, too! Gross! I mean, honestly, I know.

It's just that, this morning I am pretty sure I almost died. Only there was no light to greet me, no warm, glowing deal, only cold, bitter darkness. If I was nearing death it was not the angels to greet me, I will tell you that much. I had brushed my teeth, I had washed my face. I had all intentions of going on to do better things with my day, to conquer these cramps. But suddenly it was hot, it was so hot, and I couldn't wear my clothes anymore. And then I couldn't stand up. And then, lying on the cold bathroom floor in my underwear, I realized I have some improvements to make in life. I guess near death experiences will do that to ya.

I slowly lugged my aching, revolting body back to bed. There I gave myself all manner of pep talks. YOU CAN DO IT and IT'LL BE OVER SOON and THIS CAN'T LAST FOREVER. Finally I realized I could feel my toes again and that possibly, with luck, I could stand up long enough to put on some mascara and get dressed. Things brightened up considerably after that.

(Any guys still reading?)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{Wardrobe} Wednesday!

Sadly, my super cute necklace that tied this whole outfit together is hiding under my sweater.
just picture one there.

Today I had the pleasure of guest posting for the lovely ladies over at Addicted to Friendship!
Best Friends that live 933 miles apart. They are awesome.
Go read all about me HERE.

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's definitely Monday....

today I:
-Hit snooze for an hour.
-While hitting snooze had a horrible dream that I forgot to celebrate Halloween. In fact, I didn't even know it had been Halloween until two days after!! if you didn't know, I love holidays.
-Ran out of Milk for my cold cereal.
-Took 3 Exams!!!!
-Completed a case study.
-Didn't have time to eat lunch.
-Said goodbye to a sweet Grandma.
-Worked on a take home math test...
-Was inside ALL day when it was actually sunny!
-Thought about getting the rest of my homework done....

Whew, I'm thankful today is over.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Do you ever have those moments when you just want to swim back in time and just live in a moment forever? I have a million moments like that. You probably don't have to guess ones that I always go back to. You got it... Ethiopia.
Or back in my soccer playing days.  
I always loved the before game huddles. Looking in the girls eyes, feeling the excitement, nerves, anticipation, and yelling a loud unified cheer. The rush when the whistle blew to signal the start of the game. That intent, focused, mind set within a game. The adrenaline of a tackle, block,  or chase down. The need for water at half time. The hope the team would play tough the second half. A swelling feeling of exhaustion. The push to make each run and kick. The satisfaction of a win or victory in defeat. The long talks and crazy dancing on the bus ride home. And most importantly the lasting friendships. Being part of a team where everyone was able to build each other up. A team that made me better through hard work, laughs, service, leadership, and responsibility. 

How about that day in high school when I ditched classes to play in the sprinklers at the park and run through town bare foot?  It was silly, simple, a bit irrisponsible but made me happy. and we can't forget the SCOOTER GANG How could those not be moments to love? I could repeat some of those times over.

We don't, however, get the chance to do that. To relive days we loved so much. Some times though, when life is good to us, we can have good days like these again, and we will forever keep those good memories in our hearts to look back on, when life seems bad.

I love memories, and I am so glad that I have mine.