Thursday, July 1, 2010

today is the start of july.

My blog has consisted only of photographs, however, I believe the time has finally come for me to communicate with my words. It so happens that all I can think about is this, July is here. I've been waiting, yearning, and anticipating July. I fly to Africa. This month. I've thought of July as a far way off, but I stand corrected. This summer, thus far, has been amazing. I imagine it will only continue to be that way. June flew by at raging speeds. I smile at the sweet memories I've made at work, with family, and of course, with friends. My parents often say I burn the candle at both ends, which is probably true. I'm constantly either at work or out having fun and staying up late. How could you have it any other way? Life is for living, and I love living. As my departure date quickly approaches I can't help but feel a vast mixture of emotions. No questions asked I'm thrilled to be able to experience such an adventure but yet I'm starting to get nervous, stressed, and even sad. I'm not looking forward to saying goodbyes. I know most of them will span for a long time if not a lifetime. Friends will be leaving on missions or off to college, each going our own way. Our paths use to consist of a one way road together, now they're breaking off into winding trails, weaving our own course. I miss our insignificant spontaneous hang out giggle nights already. Though I'm going to be sad to give my final farewell I still daydream about Africa. I imagine the people, the land, the photographs I can take, the people I can help. I'm ready to embrace this adventure. I'm so blessed to have the people in my life that I do. My parents and sisters are an important part of it too. Life is grand and today is the start of July. 12 days left and counting.

1 comment:

  1. i hope you can jeep this blog updated while your off on you adventures in africa!
