Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's a day to celebrate!

Drumroll please....

Wes, Alyssa, and ALL 6 grubs are coming home!!
The trials up to this point makes the victory that much sweeter.
I can't wait to see them all together again.
They are flying home THIS week.
A day, week, year, lifetime, and eternity to celebrate as a family.

Everett (Almost 2!)

Gutama (9)

Tofik (11)
Beautiful Damitu (14)

Mesafinet (15)

Mubarek (15)
Wes&Alyssa&Everett in Dubai- Before they flew to the States and I flew back to Ethiopia.

This was the last time I saw them all together- Just before me and Wes flew to Dubai.

Let the party begin!