Thursday, November 29, 2012

I am not a sinner.

Because it is like a sin when it is the end of November and it is 40 degrees to NOT be outside.

So old news flash, I manage an assisted living now. I have been getting ready for our state survey... who were suppose to come back in June but didn't. They've scheduled several other times to come but then haven't. Anyway they called last week and said "We will be at your facility Wednesday or Thursday." So Tuesday I put in 13 hours at work. Last minute oven cleaning and going through books stuff. I even went to bed relatively early Tuesday night so I'd get my beauty sleep and be all awake for the survey the next day. But, of course, they called Wednesday morning and said they wouldn't make it after all and would call next week. And in my mind I was screaming, "Who do they think they are?? Important or something??" At this point I'm just ready to get the survey over with. BRING IT ON STATE. They must be trying to keep us on our toes or something.

Anyway, you're probably asking, "What does state survey have to do with sinning and being outside?" Or you might be asking, "Who the heck is this lady?" because I haven't really blogged in like, forever. Well, the names Kate and this is my blog. yeaaahhh.

But to answer the first question, after working 13 hours Tuesday I decided I could have the day off on Wednesday (That is a perk of being the boss.).  As I was wondering what to do with myself, the thought came to me, have an adventure! So, I decided to hike Cress Creek (Which I know isn't really an adventurous hike but really just a nature trail. Getting out is still an adventure in my book!). Alyssa and Everett got invited and we had a lovely time.

An adventure filled with: a car ride with Christmas music, talk of skunks in garbage cans, spotting signs!, crisp yet warm air, yummy tree smells, smiles, finding a geocache without a gps, picking different color berries, eating string cheese, sneaking up on squirrels and all around happiness.

After we got back, I hung out at Alyssa's house and giggled with the kiddos and helped with some homework. When I was saying my goodbyes Everett said, "I want to go hiking with you again!"

I plan on taking the kid up on that.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

grandpas make the best silly faces.

Melvin is simply the best.

these past couple weeks I have been angry.
not a stop your feet and yell angry.
a fierce deep down anger.
because the world

Thank-goodness for cute grandpas.
They help me see all the beautiful, happy things too.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I've had a stressful, awful couple of days. You know, the kind where you burst into tears and conjure up all sorts of rash decisions to make to escape life. Like floating away in a sailboat to Jamaica, moving into the woods with your best friend, or dropping out of school so you can move out of the country or at least Alaska. Strange that all my rash decisions all include leaving....
Well, thankfully things are brightening up. These picture helped me see that as well. They probably won't for you but it put things back into clearer perspective for me. When I came a crossed them, I saw so many memories each with staunch meaning.

Thanks Ethiopia, once again, for helping me see clearly.
p.s Someday,when i have free time, I will update on what has been keeping me from posting.
p.p.s As of today, there is exactly one month until my 20th birthday!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{Wardrobe} Wednesday: St Patrick's Day!

I feel like my blog has lost meaning now that all I post is pictures of me. 
real post coming soon people... in the meantime, enjoy (eh, endure) more pictures of me!

St. Patrick's Day!
Green happens to be my favorite color.
I had planned to wear green head to toe but then I had a bridal shower to go to.
and my options went down a little. didn't want to look too crazy.
then I found out it was a tea party bridal shower.
then options dropped dramatically.
but I eventually settled.
I kinda felt like I looked liked a granny detective or something... in a good way?

Happy Wednesday and official spring day yesterday!
let the warm weather start to rock and roll!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

{Wardrobe} Wednesday: Spring!!

Holy Moly this past weekend, super warm.
Like wear sequences, teal, and actually have to shave your legs warm. 
so that's what I did.

Clearly, warm weather brings out the best in me!